Becoming a yoga teacher has been one of the greatest gifts of my life. It was a pretty long road to get here. I am one of those people who didn’t know what she wanted to be when she grew up. I’m still figuring that out.
My working career began in the retail industry in 1992, leading me into management shortly before college graduation. I spent many years climbing the ladder, not sure exactly where I was trying to go. I took a hiatus years later and went into the hospitality industry, cocktail waitressing and eventually bartending. I would return to each profession once more, trying to find where I fit in, before finally heeding the call.
Some time in the late 1990’s, I began stretching as a way to feel good in my body. There was a moment I recall feeling the inspiration to buy a yoga tape, a VHS in those days. I practiced with that tape on and off for years until I memorized the sequence. My practice evolved and I started exploring movements on my own. Were these safe movements? I wanted to know. I also wanted to be able to share my experience in a responsible way with those I loved.
In 2012, I embarked on the journey that would change my life. I entered the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program at YogaWorks in the Los Angeles area. Then in 2014, I began the 300-hour mentorship program. I learned so much during these years and fell even more in love with the work.
I realized that although I had found an inner peace through my home practice, I had been avoiding the hard work. Through my training, I discovered the necessity of building both strength and flexibility for the overall health and balance of my body, and how deeply that work penetrated layers beyond the physical. My work, efforts, and struggles on the mat prepared me to better face the world off the mat, building patience and perseverance. My intention in my teaching is to guide others through their own physical and mental limitations to reach a deeper level of strength, resilience, and peace.
Through the process of my practice, I discovered the power of the fearless journey and walk each day in an effort to honor that. I write to share my stories and to give an outlet for my own understanding. I practice asana and meditation to keep myself grounded and connected to inner wisdom and eternal guidance.
The commitment, effort, and desire to learn that I see through the people I teach inspires me daily. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to share this work.
With greatest regards,
RYT-500, E-RYT 200, YogaWorks Professional Program, Los Angeles